Typically we have a weekly practica Tuesday at 8pm, a milonga the second Sunday of the month at 4pm, each with a class an hour before. A beginner class when offered usually starts 1.5 hours before the practica.
For up-to-date information including changes and cancellations, join our Brattleboro Tango Facebook group and/or subscribe to our weekly newsletter.
Delicious tango right here in Brattleboro since 2000, with friendly classes, practicas, milongas, and special events. The Brattleboro Tango Community delights in welcoming dancers of all shapes, colors & sizes, regardless of genders or role preferences. We look forward to dancing with you!
Come as you are. No partner required. Soft-soled shoes or socks - no outdoor shoes please.
Check tangomango.org for events in the region.
Questions? Contact Gene Eckhoff.
COVID note: Please stay home if you feel sick or have any symptoms. Masks are optional. If someone you wish to dance with is wearing a mask, please consider wearing one too or asking about that person's preferences. Acknowledging that tango is a high-risk activity, each of us must accept responsibility for our health and respect the needs of others in choosing to engage in social dancing.
Ample parking on the street and behind the studio
"The only reason for mastering technique is to make sure the body does not prevent the soul from expressing itself."
- La Meri
We encourage you to dance at other nearby tango communities as well:
For videos, vocabulary and notes, check out Jim's 2017 Tango course.